A Bit About Abrvs (Abbreviations)


When you first read a crochet pattern you'd be forgiven for thinking It looks a little like an over complicated computer code... but here's the magic... Abbreviations are actually succinct versions of the stitch name that patterns use to create a shorthand. Without these abvrs it would take pages to write each pattern out in full!

Often a pattern will also include its own diagram to add a little extra visual indication of what stitches are being used as well as a colour work grid. Always be clear at the start what your main colours are ie Col A,B or C!

TIp! Why not cut a small piece of each yarn and stick it to a sheet of paper and label correctly Col A, B or C before you start. You can refer to this little swatch sheet when reading your chart and it'll keep things super clear!

Before you start your project print out the abbreviations sheet, take a look at the stitch key and get used to what all these magical little crochet words mean!

Here are the main abbreviations used in this course!

Using a Stitch Key

There are subtle but definite differences between UK/US crochet stitch names and their corresponding little diagrams! When it comes to choosing your pattern make sure you know which you are working from to halt any confusion. The illustrated guide below will help you learn the basics... why not print one out through the downloadable PDF below to have on hand when working from your next pattern!

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